A care home in Kent is looking to install a visiting booth, similar to the one shown, to allow family to visit residents in safety.
The care home want a ‘visiting booth’ like the one built at Vicarage Court, in Featherstone, West Yorkshire, so that relatives can enter via french doors and sit inside the ‘safety bubble’. They can communicate with the resident through the glass whilst keeping the environment safe.
Only one family can use the booth at a time so visitors have to book ahead to get an appointment time. It will allow care home residents to see some familiar faces whilst remaining in isolation.
The booth can then be santised before the next visitor. It may be a bit difficult to offer the visitors a drink, so be prepared to bring your own refreshments. We like how they have put the name of the care home on the inside, just to remind the residents where they are!
The residents are hoping to build a collection of ‘sticky’ face pieces, so they can put fake glasses and bushy mustaches over their families faces on the glass partition!
Although the intentions of the care home is to keep their residents safe from COVID, some people have compared the visting booth to visiting a criminal in prison. At least with prison, there is a chance that you may eventually get out!