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HomeNewsAnger After Sainsburys Sell Adult Products By Checkouts

Anger After Sainsburys Sell Adult Products By Checkouts

An angry customer has complained to the store manager at Sainsbury’s in Larkfield, Kent, after finding ‘inappropriate items near the tills.

The woman, who was doing her weekly shopping at her local supermarket was shocked when she discovered that the store was not displaying the usual items such as sweets or magazines.

Instead, Sainsbury’s have placed vibrators, lube and condoms in direct eyeline of children.

She has described the items neart the till as ‘absolutely disgusting!’. Many other customers agreed and said these items should not be placed near the checkouts.

The woman complained to the store manager, but his response was that it wasn’t his decision and it has ‘come from above’. How ironic!

She has since complained to the Sainsbury’s helpline and is still waiting for a response.

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