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HomeNewsLost Seal Is Rescued In Margate

Lost Seal Is Rescued In Margate

A lost seal has been saved after being discovered in Margate. The seal was discovered hiding under a Seafood stand, not far from the harbour earlier this week.

The British Divers Marine Life Rescue team leapt into action to safely extract the little pup from under the stand.

Photo Credits: Sheila Stone and Lee Castle

They discovered the seal was quite undernourished and whisked the little fella off to a local rehab centre.

The small seal may have found its way to the seafood stand during its hunt for some food.

The rescued seal almost looks like it is smiling!

Another lost seal was recovered from a beach in Sheppey at the beginning of the week.

The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) was formed in 1988, when a few like-minded divers got together in response to a mass mortality of common seals in the Wash area of East Anglia. BDMLR has been involved in the rescue of marine wildlife after every major marine disaster, including the Braer shipwreck in Shetland, the Sea Empress grounding in Milford Haven, and the Napoli shipwreck in Dorset. Seal rescue has remained a major component of the BDMLR’s work, with medics rescuing animals in all seasons around the UK.

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