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HomeNewsHuman Excrement Found on Kent's Beaches

Human Excrement Found on Kent’s Beaches

As Kent faced another Bank Holiday under lockdown, many people decided to make their way to the beach. The rules allow people to travel as far as they wish, so some wanted to enjoy the hot weather.

Although it feels like lockdown is now over, there are many places that are still closed -and that includes public toilets. So as the masses made their way onto the golden sands, there was something more ‘golden happening’ behind the beach huts.

With so many people crowding on to beaches around Kent, it was inevitable that after consuming picnics and takeaway food, they would need to ‘spend a penny’ or even ‘two pennies’. As there was nowhere to go, people had to make their own arrangements, which means there is plenty of human ‘poo’ now laying dormant around Kents coast.

People with beach huts were complaining after those in need decided to relieve themselves behind the huts, where they were out of view of public. It is sad to say, but even dog owners clear up after their animals, but sadly, many decided to leave it where it lay.

Margates beach was heaving with people
– and they all need to ‘pay a visit’ at some point

It is a sad day when not only so many people decided to go out and throw away self-distancing advice, but then to defecate where they wanted and then just leave it behind is disgusting and a health risk.

We have Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings to blame for the lapse in the lockdown, but sadly people seem to not care at all anymore. The government should have ensured people remained local, even if they were allowed to exercise more. It was inevitable that whoever went out today would not have any public toilets to use, yet thousands still decided to drive for miles anyway.

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