A controversial development of 450 new homes off Shottendane Road has been approved by Thanet council. The existing farmland sits between Westgate-On-Sea and Margate.
The development proposal by Gladman Developments Ltd has been rejected by Thanet council three times – in April, June and then July of 2021. But it has now been granted on 11th July 2023, following an inquiry last year.
The proposal was initially sent back to the drawing board by councillors with the developer told the 10% affordable housing offer was inadequate. Thanet council’s Local Plan policy stipulates 30% affordable housing unless proved that this figure is unviable.
This land in kent has been farmed for 1000s of years, but No longer
In the following June the application was rejected again by Thanet council’s planning committee due to an “insulting” affordable housing offer of 15%, flood risk, harm to wildlife and agricultural land and concerns at the inability to provide required health care for new residents.
The following month it was again rejected on the grounds of an unacceptable percentage of affordable housing although councillors had raised numerous concerns including the lack of biodiversity surveys and mitigation, wildlife, the loss of farmland and the issue of greatly increased pressure on access to healthcare services.
Gladman’s appealed to the Secretary of State against the refusal. Planning Inspector David Cliff BA Hons MSc MRTPI upheld the appeal and granted permission for the development in February 2022. An application by Gladman’s for a full award of costs against Thanet District Council was rejected.
The development includes the homes, a new distributor link road connecting Hartsdown Road, Shottendane Road and Manston Road, two new roundabouts, public children’s play areas and recreational routes.
The plan offers 68 properties as affordable housing on an 80% affordable rent and 20% shared ownership mix with approximately £4.9million in contributions to community and highways infrastructure.