Gillingham FC Season ticket holders are demanding refunds from last season. Fans are complaining that the club are not issuing refunds for games that were not complated as part of the curtailed 2019/20 season.
The Football League clubs voted to finish the season early after the COVID pandemic, so Gillingham only completed 35 of their scheduked 46 game campaign. Fans are now accusing the club of deliberately withholding season ticket holders’ money from last season.
One fan, who has contacted the club numerous times said “We are legally entitled to our money back for games unplayed. Your lack of engagement & communication is a disgrace”.
Many football clubs have been struggling financially after the season finished early and games are still being played behind closed doors for the 2020/21 season. Gillingham are now provided ‘streamed games’ over the Internet for fans who are prepared to pay a fee. It is the only way for the club to generate income and survive.
Some fans have written off the money from last season and are happy for the club to retain the money in order to keep going. But the club has an obligation to its fans to offer refunds for the matches it was unable to provide.