Some lucky residents of Eynsford Village in North Kent have woken to the great news today that a long diversion will be in place for up to 29 days. An announcement from Kent County Council Highways says that Bower Lane will be closed to traffic from 18th June.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce, after British Telecom applied for essential works to take place. The alternative route is Bower Lane, High Street, Station Road, Shoreham Road, Pilgrims Way East, Row Dow, Birchin Cross Road.

The poor residents now face an estimated 18 mile diversion, along narrow country lanes, all the way past Shoreham and through Otford. Thanks to the excellence of the diversion, they could end up passing Timbuktu as well!
One furious resident said “I would not mind if it was for a day or two, but it’s going on for a whole month. I’m not walking down that steep hill just to get my shopping”
Another resident said “I’m just going to use my tractor and trundle right across that old grassy field there!”
We tried to contact KCC Highways but they were too busy planning another ridiculously long diversion route.