Residents living in and around Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes developments across the South East have come together this November to bring the magic of Christmas to children in need, donating over 115 gift-filled shoeboxes to Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child initiative. A generous 47 shoeboxes were dropped off at Barratt David Wilson Kent’s Martello Lakes and Richmond Park developments in Hythe and Whitfield.
The shoeboxes were collected across the developer’s Sales and Marketing Suites, with gifts including a range of items such as pens and notepads to clothing and toys. These donations have now been packed up and delivered to volunteers at Samaritan’s Purse, to then be distributed to over 100 countries across the world to vulnerable children.
Natalie Perry, Director of Sales & Marketing at Barratt David Wilson Kent says: “We would like to thank the local community for their continued generosity towards this initiative, with every shoebox putting a smile on the face of a child this Christmas. Over the winter period, we remain committed to helping those both nearby to our developments, as well as further afield, and look forward to working with a range of organisations to offer support where needed.”
Nick Cole, Director of Operation Christmas Child UK, comments: “The holiday season is a time for giving, and we are grateful to all those who have donated a shoebox this month as they will undoubtedly make a difference in the lives of children who will not have the privilege of celebrating Christmas with gifts this year. We would like to share our gratitude with organisations like Barratt David Wilson Kent who have opened their doors as drop-off points this year, with 4,500 sites joining our cause and helping us draw our 30th year of this initiative to a successful close.”
For further details on Operation Christmas Child, please visit,