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HomeNewsSeal Dies on Ramsgate Beach

Seal Dies on Ramsgate Beach

A seal that was washed up on Ramsgate beach has been put to sleep by local vets.

Marine medics from the British Divers Marine Life Rescue group (BDMLR) were called to Ramsgate sands on Monday 24th February to check on a large seal which was found above the high tide line. The female seal was found in a poor condition.

Experts tried staring at the seal – but it did not help its recovery.

A spokesman for BDMLR said: “Grey seals at this time of year are often carrying less weight than during the summer months, especially females after the breeding season and when they are coming into moult, shedding their winter fur at the start of the spring”.

The seal was almost unresponsive other than making some noises when approached. Volunteers checked the seal on Tuesday where no movement across the beach was found. They checked it again on Wednesday, when the vet was called.

It was decided that this particualr sea lwas too large to move and in such a poor condition that there was little anyone could do. It was put to sleep to save any further suffering.

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