A Kent council has been branded “crazy” for authorising a funfair to open in a town amid a second peak in coronavirus cases.
Residents of Faversham say they are worried the fair, which is run by Forrest Amusements and is set to arrive in town tomorrow for a three-day run on Faversham Rec, will put the area “under huge risk” and lead to a spike in cases of COVID.
Dover District Council ruled the event would not be allowed to run at Victoria Park in Deal earlier this month, epecially after the introduction of the government’s “rule of six” guideline,
But just days later, Swale Borough Council (SBC) opened a huge can of worms when it allowed the fair to go ahead as planned at Milton Rec in Milton , near Sittingbourne.
Some residents have expressed deep concern at SBC’s decision to green-light the event amid a growing second peak in Covid cases.
Why can amusement parks remain open but travelling fairs not? It would not be ‘fair’
Faversham had a good record of of protecting the locals up till now, as the council have cancelled most events up until after Christmas – including the Hop Festival, the carnival and the Christmas lights event. The latest decision by SBC goes very much against the current line of decisions and is baffling.
Forrest Amusements have advertised the fair as “Covid secure”, asking people to sanitise their hands as they get on and off rides. They added that sanitising stations would be provided throughout the fair, while groups no bigger than six people will be permitted and people must keep their distance.
One opponent to the fair said “Asking the british public to be responsible, I’ve heard it all now. Just look at the University students for evidence of this!”
Meanwhile a mum from Faversham added “Personally can’t wait”.